It seems that the Easter Bunny loves to bring lots of candy and chocolate to kids of all ages. So, I thought this would be a great time to talk about chocolate toxicity. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is to your dog. Milk chocolate is not as dangerous as semi-sweet or baker's chocolate. White chocolate isn't really chocolate and will mostly just cause diarrhea and possible vomiting from the large amount of sugar in it. Chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine which is in the same family as caffeine. The amount of chocolate the dog eats and the size of the dog all play a role in how toxic the chocolate can be. Theobromine can affect the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. If your dog eats chocolate, you may see restlessness, increased heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, and hyper-excitability. If your dog eats chocolate, it is best to call your veterinarian to discuss a plan of action. In most cases, it is a good idea for your veterinarian to make them vomit to ensure that there won't be any problems. If the dog eats baker's chocolate, he/she will most likely need hospitalization and treatment with IV fluids and supportive care after he/she is made to vomit. So, as Easter nears, don't forget to keep a close eye on your dog and try to keep the candy out of reach. HAPPY EASTER!!!
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